(#1) 2011-9-23 reddit user purekhaos made a post for a drinking game on synchtube. (http://redd.it/kppme). Also, Malsententia's first games.
(#2) 2011-9-30 Malsententia repeated the drinking games the next friday night, and began the tradition that spawned BerryTube. (http://redd.it/ky1o0)
(#2-5) d4gjerick had been here since this range, but didn't go by the name Jerick until a few months into BerryTube.
(#3-7) The_Catman showed up here, held refuge for a couple games when mods passed out in his synchtube, then disapeared for a few months
(#7-#12) sehro cropped up somewhere around this time. He is just so mysterious that we can't pin him down to an exact date.
(#10) 2011-11-25 omnomtom enlists.
(#11) 2011-12-2 BATMAN begins watching over us. Becomes a mod shortly after, but we don't know when
(#22) 2012-2-18 omnomtom was a mod by now, and possibly before</div>(#28) 2012-3-30 hay4thought's first games
(#30?) mcmenamya arrives
(#35-39) oobitydoo's first games
(#37) 2012-6-1 Laughingstock, formerly known as turbosaurus, joins.
(#37/#38) Salculd becomes a mod, also miggyb's first games
(#38) 2012-6-8 My (PonisEnvy's) first games
(#37/39) A wild Cuddles_theBear is spotted for the first time.
(#39) 2012-6-15 First Cades sighting and r's first games. And Lavender. (http://redd.it/v52gy)
(#40) 2012-6-23 omnomtom held an unofficial drinking game on saturday because he had to leave early from the Friday night games. This started the tradition of Saturday games. (http://redd.it/v4gdc) ALSO: Blueshift's first time destroying his sleep cycle for us.
(#41) 2012-6-29 miggyb held the first early/European/pre games to help our European friends drink with us as much as possible. This started this tradition. (http://redd.it/vth9y)
(#42) 2012-7-6 RANBO SHAD IS BESS PONT (birth of a meme). Shockingly, also Arborus's first games.
(#43) 2012-7-13 Marminator's first games. First evidence of KC, he came a few weeks prior
(#43-45) miggyb became a mod sometime in that range
(#45) 2012-7-26 PobodysNerfect's first games
(#46) 2012-8-2 WE HIT 100 VIEWERS FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!! (http://i.imgur.com/uxqYM.jpg) (http://redd.it/xninl)
(#49) 2012-8-24 PobodysNerfect becomes a mod
2012-9-12 dumbrock
(#52) 2012-9-14 The site that would later become http://berrytube.tv is live! (http://redd.it/zwryc) Thanks Cades! (he gets modded for his work) The site moves to the official domain name later that week. It was temporarily at www.christinacollandra.com/berrypunch/ (http://i.qkme.me/3qozi4.jpg) Also, things start getting toasty... Toastdeib that is.
2012-9-15 /r/futurespike created, frenzyfivefour joins
Friday, 15 February 2013 (est): Retro's first utterances after a month or two of lurking
Friday, 31 January 2014: PowerHour turns classy (https://redd.it/1wj3or)
April 1, 2015: TubeNami ends. Not a joke. (https://redd.it/315mhf)
April 2-5 2015: BerryTube hits BABSCon's second year Party Floor hard (https://redd.it/31tjyl) with a contingent of 30+. Retro goes automatic (http://vault.berrytube.tv/picture.php?/2826/category/70). SherClopPones showed up. We kicked the con chair out of our room when the party was over.
Saturday, April 11, 2015: Dallas Stars meetup (Redtoxin, Grambulaman, Drywin, Worldtrekka)? I think? Drywin drunkenly upgrades Retro to Green on PowerHour CyTube and regrets it forever.
28 May - 1 June 2015: EFNW again!
Friday, 5 June 2015: PowerHour hosts "Use 40s Wisely" night to celebrate the estimated 150th PowerHour (nobody kept track) (https://youtu.be/WBjyGkRmlag) (https://redd.it/38lb28)
Friday, 12 June 2015: PowerHour hosts "Brass Monkey" night (https://redd.it/39in1c).
6-9 August 2015: BerryTube hits BronyCon with its Holiday Inn "Fun Cave" (https://redd.it/38lp5q) and a contingent 25+ strong. Retro gets bodyslammed by Redtoxin because Malsententia couldn't drunkenly figure out how to make the laptop play on the TV (http://vault.berrytube.tv/picture.php?/5298/category/143). The afterparty had PikaPetey, TAPS, StratchAttack, and a tattoo artist. The Scotsman was swept up into BerryTube and never heard from again. The Beer Mile was never completed. The Bar Crawl was a blackout mess. WhatsApp highly successful; to this date a dozen or so of us still communicate on the "Side Chat."
20 August 2015: Toastdeib hosts the last Open Mic Night (https://redd.it/3g373o) (http://toast.berrytube.tv/openmic/signups.php)
27 August - 15 October 2015: Retro hosts Bojack & Bourbon, well-attended CyTube event on Thursday nights with bourbon reviews by resident expert Ti_Deltas (https://redd.it/3hisus).
18-20 September 2015: Anniversary spawns the unholy Berrynomicon (https://redd.it/3lsmxq), including Retro/Theri/many others' 31 pages of shitty drunken haiku.
Friday, 23 October 2015: Mort starts Euro PowerHour. klossi hosts and everyone got queue privileges; in true European fashion somehow order was kept. (https://redd.it/3p6xr8) Retro played Jimmy Carter and sanctioned the event as legitimate.
Friday, 23 October 2015: Retro, Theri, Gunther_Ridel, and a few others make shitty drunken haiku again (12 pages).
Saturday, 28 November 2015: Retro, Theri, Ti_Deltas. and a few others make shitty drunken haiku again (5 pages).
~December 2015: Chrono, as is appropriate, finishes & implements the PowerHour countdown timer plugin to CyTube. Drywin misses calling the shots.
Friday, 1 January 2016: Retro, Theri, and nlaq make shitty drunken haiku again (2 pages).
Saturday, 2 January 2016: Tommyspud introduces shipping wheel.
Saturday, 9 January 2016(?): klossi becomes a shitty spike!
Saturday, 23 January 2016: Zogzor becomes a shitty spike!